by Tyler Disney

Echo a limited series currently on Disney+.
“Maya Lopez’s ruthless behavior in New York City catches up with her in her hometown; she must face her past, reconnect with her Native American roots and embrace the meaning of family and community.” Echo’s Wikipedia.
I’m having mixed feelings about this show, I’m going to give you what I do like and what I don’t.

Vincent D’ Onofrio’s Kingpin is one of the highlights of this series.
Likes. I love Alaqua Cox as Maya Lopez. I enjoyed her character arc, from watching her in Hawkeye to Echo, I can’t wait to see more of her in future #mcu projects. What I also liked is seeing Kingpin and Daredevil back on screen and it feels like the Marvel Netflix shows that are now officially canon to the MCU.

Weak storytelling and a shorten season were my main dislikes.
Dislikes. I didn’t like was how short the season was with just 5 episodes, I wished we had gotten more episodes to flush storylines out with each character. Example of this is the appearance of Kingpin, which I loved D’ Onofrio screen presence, but I feel like he got the short end of the stick. What I also didn’t like was the editing jumping from timeline to timeline. It felt very rushed and lazy at times, making for weak storytelling.
Overall it’s not a great show but it’s watchable. I think that’s what killed my excitement for this after that awesome trailer.
I’m going to give this show a solid 7/10.
Follow Tyler Disney on his Instagram.