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“September 5,” is the Best Thriller of 2024.(Movie Review.)

by Rosa Parra

“September 5” is directed by Tim Fehlbaum and stars John Magaro, Peter Sarsgaard, Leonie Benesch and Ben Chaplin. The film recounts the events of September 5, 1972, during the Munich Olympics, when the Israeli Olympic team was taken hostage. The story unfolds through the experiences of the commentators responsible for broadcasting the first-ever live Olympics.

We tend to view historical events as distant occurrences, but we often forget that we are currently living in history. This film effectively highlights the responsibilities of journalistic integrity and the importance of making quick, in-the-moment decisions that will be recorded as historical facts.

September 5, stars John Magaro, Peter Sarsgaard, Leonie Benesch and Ben Chaplin. The film recounts the events of September 5, 1972, during the Munich Olympics. - The Latino Slant

I was not deeply aware of what transpired in 1972 because I had not seen Spielberg’s Munich. My lack of prior knowledge may have amplified the impact of this story’s outcome on me.

The performances in this period piece are outstanding, with Sarsgaard and Magaro particularly shining. As the terrorist events unfold, the pressure to broadcast the Olympic Games live becomes increasingly intense. Their struggle to separate personal politics from their reporting is evident on their faces. I gained a newfound respect for the arduous work involved in live broadcasting.

The film is also notable for its costumes, production design and use of technology from that era. Broadcasting television in the 1970s was undoubtedly challenging, especially considering the reliance on film and the labor involved in producing reels.

The ethical dilemmas faced by journalists are clearly depicted. The constant debate over whether to report news for the sake of ratings creates an internal struggle among reporters. The team we followed initially lacked permission to report on the unfolding hostage situation because they were “sports people” with no experience in breaking news. This back-and-forth tension is compelling.

The performances in this period piece are outstanding, with Sarsgaard and Magaro particularly shining. -The Latino Slant

What is both saddening and infuriating is the timeliness of this conflict. Although these events occurred in 1972, it is frustrating that similar confrontations are still happening in today’s climate.

Overall, “September 5” is the best thriller of 2024. By telling a historical event through the perspective of reporters and journalists, this movie challenges viewers to reconsider the purpose of broadcasters and question the tactics employed by corporate media. It’s a must-watch.

Rating: 9/10