Overall, “Monkey Man” is a triumphant directorial debut and a refreshing entry into the revenge action genre. Patel shines both in front of and behind the camera. It will linger in the mind for days after seeing it.
I was a big fan of “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” so I was looking forward to this movie. I’m happy to report that this is a fun entry into the franchise. It feels like the original film with its lore, characters and action sequences
“rescheduling” that was discharged later by J.Lo’s management. This bogus excuse escalated on social media that surfaced what can’t be hidden anymore: tickets were not selling as a result of a not so well received material from the actress and singer.
Guillermo del Toro’s Frankenstein” is currently in production in Toronto and Ontario, Canada and also stars Mia Goth (“Pearl”; “X”), Oscar Isaac as Doctor Frankenstein and two time Academy Award Winner Christoph Waltz as Dr. Pretoria’s, who wishes to continue the experiments started by Doctor Frankenstein 40 years after the story’s main events