Karla Sophia Gascon, Emilia Perez, 13 Oscar nomination, all In Peril now. What a disaster, what a Calamity and what fun is it to watch, oh boy well she just sent a full statement to The Hollywood Reporter. We are going to read the full statement for you guys but here’s what I want you to do. Paulie here the Latino slant I want to thank you guys all the new followers new subscribers to the channel thank you for watching our coverage on this you can go all the way back to our very to my very first announcement of this movie over a year ago and I’ll have that playlist in the video box description. Also too I need you to stick around to the end of the video, at the end of the video I have an announcement, Okay we have the full statement here and let’s get to it, in her full statement sent “between tears,” she tells the Hollywood Reporter is below and is below translated from Spanish. Y’all ready?
“I’m sorry but I can no longer allow this campaign of hate and misinformation to affect neither my family nor me anymore. So at their request I am closing my account on X. I have been threatened with death insulted, abused and harassed to the point of exhaustion. I have a wonderful daughter to protect whom I love madly and supports me in everything. I had long ago made the decision to close a social network which has taken a terrible turn in which I have also sometimes fallen for which I apologize. As part of the society I’ve expressed my disagreement or agreement with all the related issues that have touched me and of which I have had an opinion often erroneous with which has changed throughout my own experience. I have always used my social media as a diary, reflections or notes to later create stories or characters not as something that would be scrutinized down to the last of its 140 characters since sometimes I myself am not even aware of having written something negative. I have defended each and every one of these minorities in this world supported freedom of religion and any Action Against Racism and homophobia phobia in the same same way that I have criticized the hypocrisy that underlies them, because the first thing I am critical of is myself you will never hear me support a war and Injustice extremism or applaud anyone who oppresses other human beings. Perhaps my words are not correct many times due to the ignorance or pure mistake I apologize again if anyone has ever felt offended or in the future. I’m a human being who also also made makes and will make mistakes from which I will learn. I’m not perfect, taking my words out of context, then manipulating them to hurt me is something I am not responsible for. I’m only responsible for what I say not for what others say I say or what others interpret from what I say. I hope to have the opportunity to give a more extensive explanation at some point. Forgive me I keep going from one side to the other and I cannot be responding to every single thing you bring up to try to sink me, but if you want you can continue attacking me as if I were responsible for hunger and wars in the world. I apologize again if I have ever offended anyone with my words in my life I’m only Karla Sophia Gascon, an actress who has reached where very few have thanks to her effort and work without stealing or harming anyone in this world just trying to get them to live leave me in peace love and respect something that seems to bother a lot of people in this world. It is clear that there’s something very dark behind it but I tell you something the more you try to sink me the stronger it’ll make me the greater the victory will be. Please forgive me again once again if any of my words hurt you sincerely.
Sincerely, Karla.

Wow um before I get to the announcement let me just tell you what what the whole NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO, for anyone has no idea what that is it is. I want to say 13th century Buddhist chant it’s a Sutra it’s a chant right it’s a like a like a scripture it’s a verse and uh I’ve pulled this up and it is “a vow and expression of determination to embrace and manifest our Buddha nature and I’ll get to Buddha in a second it is the Pledge of oneself to never yield to difficulties and to win over one’s suffering at the same time it is a vow to help others reveal this law in their own lives and Achieve happiness.” Okay so it is also been revealed that Karla has been a Buddhist, practicing Buddhist for 10 years, Personally as a practicing sober man of Alcoholics Anonymous for 10 years, I get daily prayer, I get daily scriptures that help me through the day to navigate and be a positive uh person in this community because far too long I personally uh was a negative in this community in society okay so I get it. I’m a full backer of people that are into Buddhism and that uh that use those scriptures for daily good. Clearly there is a “Jeckle & Hyde,” Happening Here in the last 10 years with Karla because literally in between “chants” she was tweeting some really hateful and hurtful stuff and the in my opinion guys and I want to hear from you in my opinion uh this letter only shows just kind of like uh she’s a little disingenuous at best and also to, her hurt and resentment she’s trying to Justify it and you can see the anger there because she is looking for a little Vengeance, “I will be victorious all over your hate.” So my advice my advice guys Karla, is you need to go away for your sake, for your daughter’s sake that you put in this letter you just need to completely go away. It is hard man you literally have the world at your feet praising you your performance your bravery etc etc. But a a lot of harsh…life life came crashing down. So I would recommend that you uh go take a nice long vacation, get away this completely disconnect. Now here’s my announcement I had been in communication with Karla months ago asking her to come on the show to do an interview this is well before any of this stuff you know cuz I actually uh was impressed with her performance and I never got a response, I got a heart, I got a heart reply in the DMS between me and her so before you go away or maybe when you get back but come on the Latino Slant let’s have a conversation that is my announcement is that I want Karla Sophia Gascon. I want to interview her, I want to ask her what what was she thinking. There’s so many questions I have, so many Carla, however I will treat with kindness respect uh as I have always done with all the uh guests that I that have come on my show whether I agree or disagree with them and how I approach uh the stories that we present. So there you have it guys her full full statement written in between tears and uh I gotta say at this point uh I don’t think uh most people are going to take your words to heart. So again I would just simply put the phone down and go take a nice long vacation. Okay I want to know what you guys think here at the Latino slant uh yeah I mean and I’ve always liked that that chant “NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO…”” you say you kind of like it’s almost like a like a a Sonic hypnotic trance getting into your Buddha self centering I like that I’m all behind that all right wherever you’re at keep your Slant fuerte! Paz.